CNS Healthcare’s nurses are a valuable part of the clinic team. They work alongside doctors, physician’s assistants and nurse practitioners to address your healthcare needs.
Vital Signs
Vital signs will be done at least twice a year, before each clinic appointment. Please arrive 20 minutes early. We will review your medications, allergies, height, weight, waist circumference, body mass index (BMI), blood pressure, blood sugar, oxygen level, CO level and medical history.
Health Education
A Health Education session can last five- to 45-minutes. You can schedule more than one with your nurse. This service reviews health concerns, medical problems, and answers any questions you may have about your health in order to meet your goals.
Nursing Assessments
This service updates the medical information in your chart and makes recommendations regarding your medical needs. Nursing assessments include, but are not limited to finding a primary care provider, dental appointments, specialist appointments, exercise programs and diet programs. Appointments can last up to one hour.
Medication Administration
When the doctor, nurse practitioner or physician’s assistant and you decide an injectable medication is needed, it is scheduled with a nurse. Injections are given by nurses at all CNS Healthcare sites.
Want More Information?
Ask a CNS Healthcare nurse, if you need help managing HIV/AIDS, hepatitis, diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease or any other health condition. Our nurses can also talk to you about diet, exercise or how to stop smoking.